Company: |
GALD proizvodnja in storitve d.o.o. |
Shortened company name: |
GALD d.o.o. |
Address: |
Poljubinj 89 d |
Postal code and place: |
5220 Tolmin (main office) |
Country: |
Slovenia |
Telephone: |
+386 5 38 81 529 |
E-mail address: | |
Web site: | |
Main activity: |
C25.611 Metal plating of metal products |
Registration number: |
2227606 |
Reference number: |
št.vložka: 1/04841/00; Srg: 2006/00664; Okrožno sodišče v Novi Gorici |
VAT identification number: |
SI35677457 |
Transaction account: |
IBAN number: |
SI56 0313 0100 0695 153 |
BIC code: |